This complementary therapy is a day program that uses art to interpret, express and resolve emotions and thoughts.

Program options

  • Complementary therapy provided as a day program

About the program

You will work with an art therapist to explore your emotions, understand conflicts or feelings that are distressing you, and use art to help resolve these issues. 

Benefits include:

  • improved cognitive and sensorimotor functions
  • enhanced self-esteem and self-awareness
  • better emotional resilience and insight
  • improved social skills, and
  • trauma processing in a safe environment.

How to get started

If you are new to Avive and our programs, ask your psychiatrist or GP for a referral. We will also arrange any necessary mental health assessments before you begin. 

If you are completing inpatient treatment at an Avive facility and transitioning to our day program, your psychiatrist will refer you. 


Our facilities are licensed private hospitals, and we have contracts with most health funds. Generally, most, if not all, costs are covered by your fund. To confirm the costs specific to you, we can check your health fund coverage and let you know if any out-of-pocket costs or gap fees are payable. We’re here to help you navigate the details.

If you are self-insured and considering an inpatient program or day program, contact us and we can provide a detailed cost breakdown for both options.

Simply complete the enquiry or referral form below and we will contact you directly to answer any further questions you have or guide you through your admission.

I need help for
I need help for
someone I care about
I need help for
my patient or client