Chronic exposure to traumatic events during childhood can lead to early life trauma, also known as developmental or complex trauma. These experiences can significantly impact a child’s development and continue to affect emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing into adulthood. However, while significant, early life trauma is a manageable condition. 

Causes of early life trauma

Early life trauma often results from prolonged or repeated exposure to adverse childhood experiences, such as:

  • physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • emotional or physical neglect
  • domestic violence
  • substance abuse or mental illness in the household
  • separation from a primary caregiver
  • chronic illness or invasive medical procedures, and
  • instability due to war or displacement.

Get help for early life trauma.

Recognising the symptoms, understanding the causes and finding the support you need can help you lead a brighter and more rewarding life.

Contact us today to learn more about how Avive can help you manage the impact of early life trauma and improve your life. 

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Symptoms of early life trauma

Symptoms of early life trauma can vary but often include:

  • emotional dysregulation: difficulty managing emotions, frequent mood swings, and extreme emotional responses
  • attachment issues: trouble forming healthy relationships, fear of abandonment, or difficulty trusting others
  • behavioural problems: aggression, impulsivity, self-harm, or substance abuse
  • cognitive impairment: problems with attention, learning difficulties and memory issues
  • physical health issues: chronic health problems, sleep disturbances and heightened stress response, and
  • low self-esteem: persistent feelings of worthlessness, shame or guilt.

Long-term effects

If untreated, early life trauma can lead to long-term effects such as:

  • mental health disorders: increased risk of anxiety, depression, PTSD and personality disorders
  • interpersonal problems: difficulty maintaining healthy relationships and increased risk of abusive relationships
  • substance abuse: higher likelihood of developing substance use disorders as a coping mechanism, and
  • physical health issues: greater risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

How can Avive help?

Personalised and professional help can significantly improve your quality of life while managing the effects of early life trauma. 

Avive’s stress, trauma and resilience programs offer flexibility in the recovery journey. Choose between our immersive inpatient program, or our supportive day program. We’ll also ensure your supported by thorough discharge and aftercare planning.

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